
Who’s Your 1?
In many of the Student Ministry circles that I am a part of, there is a new phrase beginning to be used for these GenZ disciples. I didn’t come up with it, although I have certainly experienced glimpses of what others are seeing in them as well. The phrase is being used as a hashtag on social media platforms, a prayer request when ministers gather, and a whisper amongst the generation itself.
The Revival Generation.

Reach or Raise Up
A bit of insider baseball.
There’s a tension between what people think of as evangelism and discipleship. Evangelism is about reaching people with the gospel. Discipleship is about raising people to live the gospel.

Discovering Identity
In today’s culture, one of the most important topics for this Alpha Generation is identity—who am I? Why am I here? Our responsibility as the local church is to meet the needs of the kids God has placed within our oversight with the firm foundation of Scripture.