March 23, 2025 | Sermon NotesCalendar | Give




Night of Consecration

April 6th | 6:00 pm

Prepare your heart for an incredible night of Worship.

Celebrate the Lord’s Supper, experience incredible music led by our Praise Band, Chorale, and Kids, and pray passionately for the people of our community.

Some seasons begin with God calling His people into a sacred assembly. On April 6th, we will respond to God’s call and consecrate ourselves for the significant work He’s placed before us. As we prepare to move out of our current Worship Center and go out into the community, prepare your heart and ask God how we can “[Make room] for one another as Christ has made room for you.” Romans 15:7

Celebrate Resurrection Sunday!

in a new location!

April 20th | 9:00 or 10:45 am


In a New Location

Owasso High School Performing Arts Center. (map)

Services for the whole family at 9:00 & 10:45 am, including infants and toddlers.

With a room for nursing moms to experience the service and an area for the “young & the restless,” for active kids!

The church has left the building!

Owasso High School PAC

9:00 or 10:45 am

[Make room] for people…

Romans 15:7 says, “Welcome one another as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Said another way, [Make room] for people as Christ has [made room] for you.”

It’s time to make room for church members, guests, and volunteers. It’s time to prepare our hearts and our facilities to welcome everyone God brings to our church.

Phase 3 construction begins this April! Phase 3 is a significant upgrade of our Worship Center and Gathering spaces. Taking these next steps involves everyone.

The adventure continues …

April 27th | Throughout Summer!

One Service

10:45 am |

@owasso high school pac

kindergarten thru adults

preschool available @church

nursing moms room

young & restless area for active kids

one service online


9:00 am |

9:00 am |


preschool, children, & students

adults with kids

@owasso hs ram café

adults without kids | empty nesters



Bible Reading Plan

The Bible is a wholly remarkable book. It spans the pages of history, exposes the drama of humanity, and reveals the secrets of eternity. But greater than all of that - the Bible tells the divine story of God’s relentless affection for you.

  • When you read it, the author can always be preset.

  • When you meditate on it, you discover the wisdom of the ages.

  • When you memorize it, you find yourself equipped for every good work.

  • When you share it with friends, lives are transformed by the grace of God!

Finish 2024 strong, and in 2025, prepare your heart. We’ll read the entire Bible…together. Follow the link to follow our church on the Bible App.

Giving makes a difference

Every week hundreds of volunteers invest thousands of hours to share the gospel, raise up disciples, send out missionaries, and help people. Their gifts create events like the Passion Week Experience, summer events for kids and students, food and clothing donations through theMission Center, and weekly opportunities for worship with friends.

Your donation of $10, $25, $50, or even more amplifies our mission to love all people to Christ and equip them on their journey with God and one another.

As we approach the end of the year, keep in mind that you receive a tax deduction for everything you give before Dec. 31st. Contact the Church office to donate stocks, real estate, or other assets.

We’re grateful for the volunteers who serve and for everyone who gives to bring theMission to life.

As an act of worship …

Stay Connected

Here, there, everywhere